
Why should I be a member of the union?

Being a member of a union gives you the ability to negotiate with your employer. You can negotiate you wages, benefits, and working conditions of your employment. You are no longer an "employee at will" and are now protected by a legal contract. Within that contract there are many benefits such as guarnteed raises, vacation and sick days, and retirement benefits. Those who belong to a union have due process and a right to their job. It pays to be union.

Not only will you have security at your job, members are also eligible for many union benefits. The union offers benefits such as discounted movie tickets, free/discounted consultation services, and AAA deals. Please see our benefits page for more!

Another great benefit that union members are eligible for is Union Plus. The AFL-CIO created Union Privilege in 1986 to provide union members and their families with valuable consumer benefits. With Union Plus benefits, your union membership "pays" at work and at home. By using the collective buying power of unions, they are able to offer valuable, discounted products and services exclusively to working families. Savings. Service. Solidarity.

A member of the union also has a voice within the organization as well. You can attend membership meetings held by your local executive board to learn and discuss what your local union is doing. You have the right to vote in local union elections for your president, executive vice president, treasurer, and more. You also get to vote on your contract with your employer. Being in a union is a democractic process, be sure to get involved!

If you want to join the union by organizing your place of work, contact us or the national union!
Below are membership cards for state workers and private sector workers.

State Membership Application
Non-State Membership Application