Member's Causes

On this page you will find Local 1038's member's causes. It's no mistake that union activist are involved in other causes and movements as well. The following are trying to make a difference. If you would like to have your cause on this page please contact us and provide us with information and a short pharagraph about why you got involved in your cause.

Puerto Rico Humanitarian Crisis - CWA Local 1038 Equity Committee


Brothers and Sisters,

CWA Local 1038 Equity Committee is raising funds to help those in need in Puerto Rico that are still facing a massive humanitarian crisis.

Our fundraising goal is to come together for those in need in Puerto Rico. Our mission is to bring water purification systems to Puerto Rican families and communities who are crying out for help and provide additional aid for the hardest affected communities.

American citizens of Puerto Rico are facing a massive humanitarian crisis. More than a million people still lack running water - they are forced to find water in contaminated streams, collect it from runoff, even drink from toxic Superfund sites. The danger is not over for those with running water; because water treatment plants are still not fully operational, tap water may be tainted with raw sewage. But together in solidarity can help alleviate human suffering. Supporting through the AFT's Operation Agua, we are bringing water purification systems to Puerto Rican families and communities who are crying out for help.

Our local is partnering to raise enough money to build a system that provides clean drinking water that delivers a disinfectant generator that can disinfect 150,000 gallons per day—enough safe water for hundreds of people in local communities. Operation Agua's is an organization whose efforts is powered by community-based infrastructure and volunteers from the Puerto Rican teachers union - the Asociación de Maestros de Puerto Rico - supported by the expertise of partner organizations like Operation Blessing International, AFSCME, and the Hispanic Federation, and made possible by the generosity of donors like you. Your donation will help install purification systems for families in need across every region of Puerto Rico.

Hurricane season is quickly approaching again, and Puerto Rico is still hurting. Together we can help alleviate human suffering, provide hope and solidarity to those in need.

You can make a donation by clicking here!

In solidarity,
José A. Rivera,
CWA Local 1038 Equity Committee