
CWA Local 1038 is putting together the following committees:

The Community Services and Civic Duties Committee
The Community Services and Civic Duties Committee
shall assist in developing all community services programs.

The Education Committee

The Education Committee shall assist in developing the
Local’s education program and, with the Local Executive
Board, be responsible for effectuating the Union’s and
Local’s education program.

The Election Committee
a. The Election Committee shall conduct and
supervise all nominations, elections and referenda
of the Local in accordance with the Union
Constitution and these Bylaws and shall verify that
all nominees are members in good standing and are
willing to hold office.

b. The Election Committee shall ensure that each
member has a reasonable opportunity to nominate
and vote for the candidate of his or her choice.

c. The Election Committee shall also determine all
questions concerning the conduct and challenges of
elections subject to the right of appeal to the Local
Executive Board and/or Local membership.

d. The Election Committee shall conduct a secret
ballot election for Local delegates to the National
Convention as directed by the Local Executive
Board and in accordance with Articles X and XIV
of these Bylaws.

e. The Chair of the Election Committee shall be
responsible for turning over all completed ballots to
the Secretary at the completion of the ballot count.

The Legislative and Political Action Committee (LPAC)
a. The Legislative and Political Action Committee shall assist
in developing, pursuing and making recommendations
concerning the political and legislative program of the
Local. It shall be responsible for the Local’s program to
register qualified voters and to implement the Union’s
COPE and GOTV programs.

b. Prior to the endorsement of any candidate for public office
by the Executive Board of the Local, the LPAC shall vote on whether 
or not to recommend the endorsement of a
candidate and the LPAC’s recommendation shall be
presented to the Local Executive Board.

c. Prior to the Local Executive Board authorizing any
contribution to a candidate, candidate committee, political
committee, continuing political committee or party
committee in excess of $1,500, the members of the LPAC
shall vote on whether or not to recommend such
contribution and the LPAC’s recommendation shall be
presented to the Local Executive Board. The Local shall
not make direct contributions to candidates that have not
been endorsed by the Local Executive Board.

The Membership Committee
a. The Membership Committee shall assist the Local in
developing programs around membership recruitment and
retention in existing bargaining units.

b. The Membership Committee shall accept or reject
membership applications in accordance with the By-laws
and rules of this Local and Article V of the Union
Constitution and policies of the Union.

Organizing Committee

The Organizing Committee shall assist the Local Executive
Board and members in organizing all non-union employees
within the Local’s jurisdiction.

The Equity Committee

The Equity Committee shall assist the Local in developing
programs to address issues of equality involving race,
national origin, and sexual preference.

The Women’s Committee

The Women’s Committee shall assist the Local in
developing programs to address issues of gender equality.

CWA Next Generation Committee

Through its Next Generation program, the Communications Workers 
of America (CWA) is connecting members aged 35 and under with seasoned 
member-mentors over the age of 35 to form a network of committed union 
activists across the country. Next Gen activists bring youthful energy 
and unique insights to the task of advancing economic and social justice.

Special Committees 
Special Committees shall have the duties and
responsibilities as assigned by the Local Executive Board
subject to the right of the general membership to overrule.

If you are interested in joining any one of these committees, please contact Evangeline Banks at